Teaching irony? Amp up the fun and proficiency level in your classroom with (30) Irony Task Cards that address situational, verbal, and dramatic irony - a literary concept often found on standardized tests. Answer key included. Task Cards are an effective instructional tool and alternative to boring worksheets!
Bonus: Go green! Laminated task cards can be used year after year. My task cards are ready to use; no gluing required!
Teaching irony? Hold your students accountable with the Irony Test that addresses situational, verbal, and dramatic irony (10 Pages/30 Questions). This Common Core-aligned assessment will let you know in no time who is advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic in this important ELA skill. Multiple choice questions simulate those found on actual standardized tests. Answer key included.
Product can be used for common assessments throughout your team or department and is super sub-friendly. Keep them learning - even when you’re not there!
Teaching the concept of irony? Help your students understand this literary device with the 30-slide PowerPoint: Isn’t It Ironic? Presentation addresses verbal, situational, and dramatic irony with examples and kid-friendly pictures. Students will have an opportunity to show what they have learned as they analyze Shel Silverstein’s ironic poem, “Smart.” A wonderful review for standardized test prep. You and your students will love this!
Teaching Sherlock Holmes’s The Hound of the Baskervilles? Kick off your unit with with a comprehensive, student-friendly 63-slide PowerPoint that is guaranteed to pique students’ interest in this classic detective novel. Common Core-aligned product includes facts on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the mystery genre, anticipation questions, vocabulary review, literary elements, discussion questions, and writing activities that enhance analysis of this thematically rich, spine-tingling text. Product presentation will last the entire unit.
Are your students prepared for standardized tests? Get four comprehensive, instructional Punctuation PowerPoints at a reduced price on End Marks, Commas, Quotation Marks, and Apostrophes (80 slides). Presentations address punctuation rules with examples and kid-friendly pictures. Complete lessons are editable and ready to go!
Assess your students with a formative/summative review that will let you know their comprehension level. Easy for you - engaging for them!
Teaching Roald Dahl’s “The Landlady”? Assess your students’ comprehension level and access higher order thinking skills with this 10-page unit test. Questions include multiple choice, short answer, and a rigorous five-paragraph essay on the thematic message, which can be included or not based on the level of your students. Common Core aligned. Answer key included.
Tweens and teens love chills and thrills! Kick off “The Landlady” with this engaging, student-friendly 38-slide PowerPoint. Presentation includes facts on Roald Dahl, pre-reading vocabulary, prediction questions, character descriptions, and Common Core aligned discussion/essay questions.
Teaching quotation marks? Help your students reach proficiency with this comprehensive, instructional PowerPoint: “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Quotation Marks.” Presentation addresses each rule for quotation marks with examples and kid-friendly pictures.
Assess your students with a formative/summative review that will let you know their comprehension level. Easy for you - engaging for them!
Teaching end marks and sentence types? Help your students reach proficiency in no time with the comprehensive, instructional PowerPoint: “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About End Marks.” Presentation addresses each sentence type (declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory) and end mark rules with examples and kid-friendly pictures.
Assess your students with a formative/summative review that will let you know their comprehension level. Easy for you - engaging for them!
Are your students experiencing comma trauma? Alleviate their stress (and yours) with this comprehensive, instructional PowerPoint: “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Commas.” Presentation addresses each comma rule with examples and kid-friendly pictures.
Assess your students with a formative/summative review that will let you know their comprehension level. Easy for you - engaging for them!
Teaching apostrophes? Alleviate student apostrophe stress (and yours) with this comprehensive, instructional 16-slide PowerPoint: “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Apostrophes.” Presentation addresses each apostrophe rule with examples and kid-friendly pictures.
Assess your students with a formative/summative review that will let you know their comprehension level. Easy for you - engaging for them!
Teaching inferences? Hold your students accountable with the Inference (Fiction) Test (14 Pages/30 Questions). This Common Core-aligned assessment will let you know in no time who is advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic in this important ELA skill. Multiple choice questions simulate those found on actual standardized tests.
Product can be used for common assessments throughout your team or department and is super sub-friendly. Keep them learning - even when you’re not there!
Teaching inferences? Hold your students accountable with the Inferences (Nonfiction) Test (13 pages/30 questions). This Common Core-aligned assessment will let you know in no time who is advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic in this important ELA skill. Multiple choice questions simulate those found on actual standardized tests.
Product can be used for common assessments throughout your team or department and is super sub-friendly. Keep them learning - even when you’re not there!
Teaching a play? Kick off an inspirational unit with this student-friendly, engaging 95-slide Elements of Drama PowerPoint. Product introduces students to drama with background information on the Greek theater, dramatic elements/terms, famous plays, and an opportunity to act out the most famous scene in all of theater - Romeo and Juliet’s balcony scene, which can be a lesson in itself!
Teaching short stories? Add rigor and fun to your unit with these (40) engaging Common Core-aligned Short Story Analysis Task Cards. Task cards can be used with any short story and will reinforce literary concepts such as theme, conflict, setting, point of view, etc. Students will also have the opportunity to get creative as they answer questions such as, “What would the protagonist text, Tweet, or post on Facebook?” You and your students will love this!
Bonus: Go green! Laminated task cards can be used year after year. My task cards are ready to use; no gluing required!
Teaching the short story? Hold your students accountable with the 9-page Short Story Test that addresses characteristics of the short story, theme, setting, point of view, characterization, etc. This Common Core-aligned assessment will let you know in no time who is advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic and can be used to assess before or after your short story unit. Multiple choice questions simulate those found on actual standardized tests. Product is super sub-friendly. Keep them learning - even when you’re not there!
About Assessments:
Assessment is the engine that drives student learning! Frequent assessment and feedback are crucial for helping students learn. When assessment works best, it does the following:
• Provides diagnostic feedback
• Helps educators set standards
• Evaluates progress
• Relates to a student’s progress
• Motivates performance
• Helps teachers and students self-evaluate
Tip: Save trees and time! Make one class set of the tests and have students use a multiple choice answer sheet that can be scanned.
Happy Assessing!
Short Story Literary Terms is the perfect 32-slide PowerPoint to kick off your short story unit while adhering to Common Core standards and exposing your students to academic vocabulary words. Students will have a clear understanding of literary terms and concepts, such as symbolism, protagonist, conflict, and irony so that they are prepared to read and analyze like a college professor. PowerPoint covers the short story attributes as well.
Teaching inferences? Amp up the fun and proficiency level in your classroom with these (32) Inference (Fiction) Task Cards. Product addresses this important reading comprehension skill with excerpts from literature that simulate standardized testing questions. Answer key included. This Common Core-aligned product is perfect for standardized test prep and super sub friendly. Task Cards are an effective instructional tool and alternative to boring worksheets!
Bonus: Go green! Laminated task cards can be used year after year. My task cards are ready to use; no gluing required!
What is the difference between analyzing and defining? Comparing and contrasting? In this kid-friendly PowerPoint, your students will become test-taking pros as they learn to differentiate common academic terms that they will need to know in high school, college, and beyond. A gem of a lesson if there ever was one!!!
Expressly designed for 4-12th graders, invent a character that can be used as a whole class instructional aide or in small group literature circles. The guide reinforces literacy and common core language arts standards and is highly recommended for reluctant readers. Invent a character that can be adapted to any short story or novel when teaching character analysis strategies. It is a student/teacher-friendly, hands-on classroom resource.
Aligned with Common Core State Standards: W.4.3, W.5.3, W.6.3, W.7.3, W.8.3, W.9-10.3, W.11-12.3